Good heavens, New Years Eve 2021 ALREADY??!!
I have made my resolutions for the coming year, God willing I shall be able to report NYE 2022 my success or (sigh) lack of. My 2021 NY resolutions are a mixed bag of success and fail so the fails are moving to the 2022 list. Successes have become habit, am I satisfied with those successes, er, no, there were not enough of them to grant me the satisfaction of achievement. Oh well, ONWARDS TO 2022!
Planning ahead, I have the diaries (desk and Paul's Filofax), the Verse A Day mini magnetic fridge Bible verse ready to be moved to the front of the fridge. Tomorrow whilst watching a vintage Christmas movie I'll tab the months of the desk diary and note appropriate dates to be remembered including the bin-to-the-kerb schedule.
Fox's second son arrived 1st October 2021, so far he is the very image of his mum - also a ginger with blue eyes so there is that. Oh, the poor wee bairn has arrived with his paternal side ginormous ears (sigh) and like all of my side of the family including his dad, is already wanting 'real food' as opposed to the clearly boring formula, juice, and water offerings. I did warn the dil by the time the little fellow was two months old he'd be making it clear 8-12 ounces was not enough. She talked to the paediatrician who of course advised against it. She talked to her nan who advised, as I did, to try a tiny amount of rice and banana flake cereal mixed with newest grandson now sleeps through the night and is gaining weight and length.
Fox's first son will be 18 in May and seems quite pleased about the new brother, he is enjoying watching his father relearn all the things he learned when the firstborn was an infant. He especially enjoys watching his father's preparations for nappy duty - a jar of Vicks now carried in Fox's pocket after everyone (absolutely everyone) got great amusement watching my poor son gagging as he changed nappies.
My new dil is rather splendid, quite sensible and level headed.
Paul and I are anticipating our 11th wedding anniversary in the New Year (mid-January), still able to claim 'happily married' status.
Worries, however, abound. The geo-political situation is best described as perilous with Russia, the Ukraine, the Belarus weaponising of willing invaders pretending to be 'desperate refugees' and that lunatic hag Sturgeon proving that Naughty Nicola portrait true with her power-crazed 'covid restrictions' despite the realities and of course her insistence on indy-ref NeverEndDums. And here in Britain the attacks on civil liberty and democracy are on the up-tick despite the obvious truth the Omicron variant is proving to be the end-game for 'the deadly virus', between Sturgeon, Drakeford in Wales, and the hysterical SAGE group 'advising' the PM the 21st century version of the Black Plague is nigh, civil liberties are being stripped from all but never more than the way 'the un-vaxxed' are being demonised as 'unclean', selfish and anti-community. Oh and don't chance going anywhere without a face mask or you're quite likely to be verbally and physically attacked whilst being threatened with police action.
There are credible rumours of door-to-door pressure parties arriving with injections and refusal to take no for an answer without a printed and certified medical exemption (which I had to force my GP to accept from my three consultants who are adamant I cannot-must not be jabbed with the so-called vaccine owing to my multiple conditions being susceptible to the increasingly fatal side effects of the jabs). The so-called 'vax-pass', utterly useless for preventing spreading the 'deadly virus', is being used to keep 'the un-vaxxed' from venues and employment, and the rumour is the pass will soon be required for entry to shops including supermarkets.
And so we see off 2021 with hope for the future but fears for it as well.
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