22 September 2020


Tuesday 22 September 2020 0819HRs BST

All across the UK it looks as though we'll be back under severe restrictions by the end of the day or at least by tomorrow (Wednesday). The PM is addressing the UK via television this afternoon, the FMs of the three devolved nations (Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) have either already placed stricter restrictions (NI, Wales) or are about to (Scotland). 

We anticipated this, Paul and I and many of our friends and neighbours - we've taken on-board lessons from the first lockdown and shored up weaknesses in our stored foods and supplies (for us it was primarily snacks but for others it was things like spices and seasonings, and butter) during the time we've had these short weeks after some of the restrictions were lifted - it has been especially nice to get out to shops together as a couple. We'd been planning our annual drive to see the changing colours - yes, we're 'leafers'. Now we're not sure if the mileage restrictions will be five or thirty miles - five miles makes starting the motor pointless but 30 might mean being able to see some autumnal leaves on the way to the seaside, also under 30 miles from us. We sit in the car and nibble our picnic watching the autumn settling in over the North Sea, it's lovely, and as well we usually drive up to the highest point in Dundee to see the colours from the great height.


We are of course annoyed as hell about the impending lockdown and 'strict restrictions' coming our way today and tomorrow - we blame the BLM louts who began the no social distancing or masks protests now erupting seemingly at every fallen leaf and the boozers, and holiday makers who insisted on no-masks pub crawls and holidays to The Continent as their 'human right' to have some fun. 


Selfish prats. 

11 September 2020

 It's that day again. Last night I went out to look for shooting stars but instead found myself asking God to let today be a grey dull day rather than the usual beautiful sunny autumn day it was 19 years ago and has been nearly every 11 September since 2001. 

I just couldn't have faced another anniversary of that awful day dawning as bright and crisp and heartachingly gorgeous as it was that day.

And this morning it is grey and dull and threatening rain.