02 August 2021

A couple of things burning a hole in my brain...


1 - as it appears now we'll be 'in the time of coronavirus' forever, I'm no longer keeping track and have dropped the header I've been opening with for months. 


All I feel safe to say is if those 'vaccines' are so wonderful, why did my consultants advise me to avoid them to prevent triggering the extreme versions of the known side effects which unfortunately are the very conditions I cope with already? 


'Side effects include pericarditis (tick, I have recurrent pericarditis), blood clots (tick, I get DVT almost at the drop of a hat), neurological problems (tick - I have Essential Tremor), and auto-immune complications for those with 'natural antibodies (tick twice again - I still have 'robust antibodies' after having Covid in 2019 and I also have Rheumatic Heart Disease with associated Rheumatoid Arthritis)'.


Ain't life grand? I ask that as my GP insisted the benefits far outweigh the 'minimal risk of side effects' and pushed me to get the jabs against the advice of the consultants. 

Clearly, here is where I confess I am not jabbed nor do I plan to be. And, here is where I confess I've been lying to anyone who asks that 'Oh of course I've had both jabs, and have you heard anything about when we can get the next set of boosters?'. 


I'd be ashamed but it's a lot like having to lie about supporting the SNP (who have to be the most corrupt and incompetent government EVER) - it keeps the peace, more or less. gNats (SNP fanboys and girls) are very scary people who don't mind burning down your house/car and physically assaulting non-gNats. So hell yeah I lie. Funnily enough, the most ardent gNats are also the most ardent pro-vaxxers. Go figure.


If those vaccines are so spiff, why is the Government seriously considering a back-door mandatory compliance (vax-pass to get into 'large gathering' venues and we think passes will soon be required not only for events but to get through the supermarket doors as well)? If those vaccines are so successful, why are 'they' telling us even the double-jabbed should still go about masked and oh yeah, be sure to queue for boosters on a regular schedule? Finally if those vaccines are so great, how is it the vaxxed can still contract - and spread - the virus?

For Paul and me, life really won't change - we're hermits any road and 'don't get out much'. But we feel for those who are unjabbed (for whatever reason) and would like to get out to the pub/restaurant/symphony/opera/ballet/rock concert/theatre/cinema/tourist attractions...but won't be able to owing to not having submitted to dodgy jabs. 

If supermarkets go on the 'must have a vax-pass' list, Paul is thinking he'll have to sacrifice himself (ie get the bloody jabs) so we can get groceries in.

2 - about my hair and my latest 'covid-cut'. TIP: never turn your husband loose on your locks with a pair of clippers. It. Is. Not. Nice. I look scalped/plucked/weird. It's been a couple of weeks and some regrowth is showing but it's going to be a very long wait to regrow enough hair to warrant hope I won't need a vax-pass to see a hair stylist. 


In less than twenty minutes I went from having shoulder length hair (admittedly in need of attention) to sporting a VERY short pixie. And that pixie style is not one of 'the good ones', it does nothing good for my appearance. Good thing I'm a hermit and good thing (for the rare outing) I have an extensive collection of summer and winter hats.

And oh, if you're reading this, Fox - WTH haven't you emailed or telephoned lately, ffs?!

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