03 April 2020

3 Apr 2020 0930hrs

Yes, I know, I’ve skipped over part four. I wrote it, yesterday. But I’ve chosen not to publish it – I vented some frustration, the piece was over 2K words and really, it’s just not worth publishing.

I have, however, decided to try again, this time without the length. If possible. We’ll see.

I refuse to watch BBC News. I refuse to use the website. I think what the BBC has become is utterly disgraceful and their institutional bias against Britain and Britons doesn’t only border on outright treason, it is flat-out bald-faced treason.

Late last night I did a scan of news headlines at online sites and saw a headline proclaiming an ‘expert’ told BBC in an interview dying by Covid-19 is dying of pneumonia, more like falling asleep, is not at all painful, and the only reason medics can’t allow family to be with the dying loved one is strictly down to the need for bio-haz-mat suits they’re trying to save those for the medics. I forced myself to go read the piece on the BBC site because I really was hoping the ‘expert’ had been quoted by the non-BBC outlet out of context – surely, surely no medical professional would say something so completely untrue. Surely.

But no, she was quoted correctly. She also claimed death comes quickly - and that is almost the worst lie of all as most patients who die only do so after WEEKS on vents

I am outraged, disgusted, dismayed, and deeply, deeply disappointed the BBC and their lying sack of ambulatory faecal waste 'staff' will get away with spreading such a spurious lie.

The use of the label ‘Covid-19’ is incorrect and I think if people had the scientific name in their faces 24/7 they’d finally really get the depth of horror – the correct scientific name is SARS-CoV-2 and yes, that is SARS.

A man gave his life (Chinese ophthalmologist) trying to get the word out to online colleagues a ‘SARS like pneumonia was cropping up in his Wuhan hospital and in his honour at least the scourge should be given its real name at every opportunity. IT IS SARSv2, PEOPLE, WAKE-UP!! SARS is back and it’s worse than the first round in 2002. Much, much worse. 

If the proper name was used people might actually understand why our Governments are pleading with the public to follow social distancing and strict hygiene guidelines. Every time I see some keyboard warrior downplaying this nightmare as ‘Flu kills more every year…’ and ‘the Government is trying to grab total control over us scaremongering Covid-19 when it’s nothing more than a silly little cold bug’ I want to reach through the screen and bitch slap the pillock back to reality.

Death by SARS is horrific. It is death by a particularly painful ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) pneumonia. For the BBC ‘expert’ to claim it’s like painlessly falling asleep is the most shameful lie in a string of lies and for this lie alone I have now fallen into the camp wanting the BBC disbanded. At this point I want to see every damn one of the management and editorial team in the dock.

There have been questions as to why so few survivors have spoken publicly – the answer is the few who have spoken are unanimous in saying the disease HURTS terribly and none of so-called experts want that getting about, and the so-called experts don't want to say the only reason patients on vents, 66% of whom die, btw, appear to die ‘painlessly’ is BECAUSE THEY’RE SEDATED TO THE POINT OF BEING NEAR COMATOSE. Which probably contributes to their death as the sedation will depress breathing, ffs, it’s not rocket science, I’m not a medically trained person and I know that!

SARS related ARDS hurts – a lot. The prognosis is dire, as above, 66% of these patients die and they die horribly. Sepsis, multiple organ failure cascade, drowning on lung fluid accumulation – how can ANY so-called ‘expert’ dare to claim this is not a horrendously painful way to die?!

In the name of God, humanity, and all that is sane and intelligent – USE THE BLOODY SCIENTIFIC NAME OF THIS 21ST CENTURY PLAGUE to wake the public up to why the hell we’re currently living under what is fast becoming a polis state.

And while I’m very glad Prince Charles and Prime Minister Boris Johnson are on the road to recovery from their ‘mild’ cases (they both look as though they’ve been run over by a steam roller, but they are recovering), I think the PM has questions to answer as to WTF he went along with Mengle’s minions - Professor Whitless and that fop Lord Whatsit (medical directors advising the PM) who pushed for letting this nightmare run riot through the British population in hopes of creating ‘herd immunity’.

By going along with these bastards the PM is now at risk of being blamed for the death of over 2000 Britons so far. Had we done the sensible thing – come right out and explained to the British public we face a horrific 21st century plague, described the truth of the way this plague kills, and then shut the bloody country (including borders, ffs, again, not rocket science!), 2000 Britons would not be lying in makeshift morgues wrapped in bloody shrouds, their bodies still so infectious the handlers are suited up in full haz-mat kit to move them. 

And the death toll is only going to increase, here and everywhere else where the economy has trumped the very survival of the people who create that precious economy - THE PEOPLE.

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