09 February 2020

I have opinions, of course I do - don't we all? I'm not all that outspoken but I do have opinions. I tend to keep them to myself especially lately (the past four or five years) as more and more it's either pointless or downright dangerous to express an opinion contrary to the snowflake wokedom currently infesting the twit'o'sphere and most HR departments. I have even found myself 'self-censoring' on my blog that barely anyone sees in worries the thought polis will arrive to the door and haul me off for questioning - and before you laugh at what in the olden days (ten years ago) would have been easily dismissed as paranoia, it has happened here several times and some of the hauled off have ended up in prison with custodial sentences for daring to speak out/up about a number of topics.

It's all gone beyond a theatre of the absurd, really, when it is patently clear something is going on but we're 'not allowed' to speak openly to avoid risking prison, loss of income, and loss of family members (foster parents losing children for the 'high crime' of voting UKIP, what?!)

There are so many topics we're 'not allowed to talk about' now it's next to impossible to list them but I'll give it a go - bear in mind discussing many of the following can result in a visit from the police for the crime of hate speech, and discussing Scottish politics, whilst not illegal yet, risks grievous bodily harm from SNP supporters:

Muslim grooming gangs
Muslim terrorism
Illegal immigration
Illegal migrant crime 
Being against Scottish Independence
Being against the EU and Scotland rejoining it once (if) independence is achieved
SNP encouraging racism against English
NHS foreign national health tourism
Transgender 'rights' for pre-pubescent children
Transgender 'rights' to use any convenience
'Gay rights' including 'gay marriage'
Black on black violent crime
Black on white crime
Knife crime
Why Grenfell Tower true death toll will never be determined owing to illegal sub-letting to illegal migrants
Coronavirus cause-effect-solutions

Yes, you're reading correctly - it's now unsafe to discuss the coronavirus. Why? Because the Chinese Ambassador to the UK lectured Britain Friday about 'spreading false rumours and attempting to foment panic in an effort to destroy the Chinese economy'. Because 'racism' against Chinese people is on the up...Chinese people are registering complaints with the police they're being shunned on public transport, at school, and in shops.

Locally a small Chinese supermarket has had bricks and small boulders lobbed through the windows - and that dangerous vandalism is wrong, end of.

But in all common sense and honesty - would you sit next to a Chinese person on the bus or train without knowing for certain they and no-one in their household or circle of friends did not go home to China for the New Year, would you?

I'm a semi-invalid. I don't get out much and when I do go out, I do so being careful to avoid germs - have been doing for years and I'm not about to stop now just because some Chinese person might get their feelings hurt if I see them and immediately leave the area.

Can we please all calm down and realise stifling discussion means less brainstorming solutions and more pent-up feelings erupting into violence, please? And can we PLEASE understand it is not racism to avoid being around people who could well be carrying a virus that kills people - 813 at last official count and the unofficial count is in the hundreds of thousands. 

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Regretfully I've had to update my blog to comment moderation to prevent spamming. LOL, if only the fools knew my blog is seen by a very small and select group-it might help them understand the waste of time it is to spam my blog! Oh well, it's not as though spammers are very bright, after all.