06 July 2019

'...California's shaking/like an angry child will/who has asked for love/and is unanswered still...'

My daughter is there. My oldest friends and their families are there.

I'm not because Life and I took a path leading away from Southern California, the Desert SouthWest, and the Pacific NorthWest in 1974 - the last time I was there was autumn 1999 and I remember at one point during the flight back to Alabama, a voice in my head said 'look down' and I looked down to see the plane was over Red Rocks. The voice in my head said 'You'll never pass this way again' and I sat there quietly crying and watching until the plane cleared The West and we were over the MidWest.

The papers lie there helplessly
In a pile outside the door
I've tried and tried, but I just can't remember what they're for
The world outside is tugging like a beggar at my sleeve
Oh, that's much too old a story to believe
And you know that it's taken its share of me
Even though you take such good care of me
Now you say "Morocco" and that makes me smile
I haven't seen Morocco in a long, long while
The dreams are rolling down across the places in my mind
And I've just had a taste of something fine

England lies between
Floating in a silver mist so cold and so clean


California's shaking like an angry child will
Who has asked for love and is unanswered still

And you know that I'm looking back carefully
'Cause I know that there's still something there for me
But you said "Morocco" and you made me smile
And it hasn't been that easy for a long, long while
And looking back into your eyes I saw them really shine
Giving me a taste of something fine
Something fine

Now if you see Morocco I know you'll go in style
I may not see Morocco for a little while
But while you're there I was hoping you might keep it in your mind
To save me just a taste of something fine

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