SUNDAY 19 FEB 2023 1156HRS GMT
Apologies in advance to those for whom this style somehow actually works, but is it just me or is this silliest 'bookcase' style EVER:
I've tried stacking books to save bookcase shelving space - and then been hugely frustrated by having to juggle the stack to retrieve the book I need.
Why buy books if not to use as reference material (medical, cookery, crafting) or to share with trustworthy friends and family (trustworthy meaning you know the book will come home sooner rather than never), and how in the bloody hell are you supposed to use those books if you constantly have to juggle a stack to get at the one you need??
The diagonal bookcase is 'trending' - meh. I loathe trends, always have, and the diagonal bookcase to me is one of the most pretentious of trends currently making the rounds. It ranks right up there with those home magazine pieces asking 'Do you arrange your books by binding colour?' (oh please, books must be carefully 'arranged' for subject, not colour - books are for using as learning tools and, you know, actual READING.
On another topic - briefly as I have to scurry off in a few minutes to do offline things - Wednesday 22 February is Ash Wednesday and I have to finalise my Lenten planning before then. Of course I'm making Lenten sacrifices - this year one is putting a hold on jigsaw puzzle purchases. But the really big one is clutter.
I obviously have never been into 'minimalism' in any way and my home reflects that - my decor style is more 'vintage semi-rustic farmhouse cottage' and has been all of my life.
As a decor style it works nicely - functional whilst pretty in a practical way with fabrics and other soft furnishings all machine washable and most items in the decor scheme having a functional use. It's a charming way to live in a home and Paul (always into vintage anyway) loves it. But it can go to cluttered in a surprisingly fast way.
I'm currently watching a television series for 'decluttering' inspiration (Nick Knowles Big Clear-Out) and it definitely has inspired me...
My starter Lenten sacrifice is to spend the entirety of Ash Wednesday decluttering the living room. I would post a photo showing just how desperately the decluttering is needed except I am too embarrassed to expose the depth of the need that has developed in this room since First Sunday of Advent 2022.
Wish me well!
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