06 January 2023





Epiphany (or 12th Night to the non-religious). Just before dark yesterday I removed the candle bridge and replaced it with a Star of Bethlehem light. I switched on all the battery light decorations (Star, tree, holly wreath, and candle bridge now on the mantel) and have all burning in an effort to drain the batteries before tomorrow when I'll begin taking it all down (except the Nativity). 

The Nativity has been greatly enhanced - two weeks ago I won an eBay auction for 11 pieces of a vintage Fontanini set - the only missing pieces are the stable, camel, sheep, and angels. The mini triptych fridge magnet Nativity has moved back to the fridge, the Fontanini set now adorning the mantel and both Nativity will remain on display through 2 February - The Presentation (In The Temple) of the Infant Christ (aka 'Candlemas', the day a household took the newly made over autumn and winter candles to church for the annual blessing). 

Paul told me NYE it meant more of a 'big deal' to him that I follow the Church Calendar to live my faith - he's noticed I'm saying a daily Rosary and asked what prayers are said, and he's now asking what I have planned for the Lenten season. As usual, I will be making a Lenten vow and the mantel will be kept completely bare except for the mantel clock. Slowly, over the years, he has become more interested in the religious significance of the Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter 'holidays'. He tells me watching me through the year and the displays I use during the most special times is setting a more peaceful sense to his life. AHA! Maybe this year I can get him to accompany me to Palm Sunday services...

Our Christmas has been quiet - an acute flare of recurrent pericarditis put a damper on the season. It will be another several weeks before I'm 'back on my feet' - just in time for Ash Wednesday (22 Feb this year). Of course. 


Tomorrow morning I'll be carefully un-decking the halls. I'll be dusting-repairing-embellishing-then packing away every bit of Christmas but the Nativity. That will likely take me a week to accomplish (blast this stoopid heart thing slowing me down!). 


After that is done I'm hoping to be well enough to make a stable to join the Nativity on the mantel for 2023. Not quite sure how I'll make it and I'm thinking considering Paul's increasing interest in faith, I may ask him to build us one - he claims to hate 'diy' but I've realised he actually loves it and especially the moaning he does swearing he will never do DIY again...and then of course he jumps right in taking over a project the second he sees me digging around in my tool bag for a saw/hammer/bolt driver/spanner. 

BTW - NY resolutions - yes, I made one or two and while it is only the end of the first week of 2023 it appears I'm on track. My 2022 resolutions were for the most part kept (still haven't nailed making a Swiss roll Yule Log cake, blast it).


But for once I'm not dreading the morning of 7th January when I take down Christmas. I think a large part of why is down to leaving the Nativity up through 2 February. I'm disappointed Ash Wednesday (signalling the beginning of the Lenten season) comes so soon this year (it's come earlier, I'm just feeling it more this year). I like a month of winter decor before stripping everything during Lent and I'll have a spare 19 days of winter decor to enjoy the snow globe, snowman, and artificial winter floral arrangement. Once Lent ends (Good Friday 7 April 2023), Easter Sunday (9 April 2023) begins the spring season and I won't see those snowmen again until 1st Sunday Advent (3 December 2023). sigh 

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